Austin - Project Management in XML

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This is an example of the output generated by Austin. The Gantt chart is created directly from Austin and the table below it is generted from the XML of the project file by processing it with an XSL sheet.


TaskWorkPercent CompleteResourcesStartFinish
Start0unknown 0401200004012000
InputAndPlanning14 Days100unknown 0401200004152000
ConceptRefinement7 Days43unknown 0414200004212000
DrawingsComplete4 Weeks0unknown 0421200005192000
DrawingsToDrafting2 Weeks0unknown 0519200006022000
PartsOnOrder8 Weeks0Purchasing 0602200007282000
BuildPrototypes1 Week0Shawn Chris Andy Mike F 0728200008042000
DetailedDesign0 0804200008042000
Verification2 Weeks0Andy Mike F 0804200008182000
Documentation3 Weeks0Dave 0519200006092000
Validation1 Week0Taylor 0818200008252000
CE3 Weeks0Taylor 0804200008252000
Release1 Day0Kelly 0825200008262000
Finish0unknown 0826200008262000